Come and See The Chosen

Dear Friends and Family of Hilton Baptist Church,

Please forgive me if this article sounds like a commercial, but I must share with you a show I am hooked on and I would encourage you to watch it. I believe it will feed your soul. Do not be surprised if I make reference to it in future sermons, or if it shows up as a sermon series.

The show is called “The Chosen” and it is the story of Jesus and his choosing the twelve disciples to follow him in fulfilling his purpose. I am always a bit hesitant to watch shows like this because the storyline can seem stale and predictable, while the acting feels somewhat amateur and not quite believable. I have not found this at all in “The Chosen”.

This series is engaging and fresh in new and interesting ways. The characters are easy to relate to and it is intriguing to watch the various personalities interact with Jesus and each other. I am not going to comment on the Jesus character because you should discover him for yourself, just as the disciples are learning to do so in this series.

There is a catch to this series that might prove difficult for some of you. This is not a show you can find on television, it was designed to be watched on your phone. Here are the four ways you can see it:

(1) On your phone, go to the app store and search “The Chosen”. This is a free app you can download and you can begin watching it right away. If you are “technologically savvy” there is a way to use your phone to watch through your television if you have the right equipment, but I admit Karen had to figure this out because I do not have the patience. If watching it on your television through your phone is more appealing, you may have to find someone who can show you how it’s done (but don’t ask me as I have no clue!)

(2) You can also watch it by going to this website:

(3) If you are familiar with YouTube, search for The Chosen Season 1 and Season 2. There are various episodes for each season.

(4) Purchase the DVD.

So far, there are only two seasons and the theme for season #2 is “Come and See”. This is my invitation to you, “Come and see The Chosen”. I really don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Be Still,


Categories: Pastors Message