Choose Your Words Wisely

Dear Friends and Family of Hilton Baptist Church,

Several years ago, Eddie Murphy starred in a movie called “A Thousand Words”. The basic premise of the movie is that Jack McCall (Eddie Murphy) is a book agent who has the “gift of gab”. He knows how to use his words to get what he wants even if that means stretching the truth and taking advantage of other people.

Jack signs a book deal with a monk-like character and that night a tree magically appears in his back yard. Jack quickly learns that for every word he speaks a leaf will fall off the tree. When all the leaves are gone, Jack’s life will be over. Jack quickly discovers the value of each and every word he says and he learns to choose his words wisely.

Throughout the movie we watch as Jack transforms from a self-centered and ego driven businessman to a kind and gentle human being concerned that the words he speaks have meaning and depth.

This movie reminds me of a quote I heard a long time ago – “Use them wisely because words have more power than an atom bomb.” When I was in a worship band we sang a song called “Words” and some of the lyrics were “Words can build you up, words can break you down, start a fire in your heart or put it out.” Oh, the power of words!

In recent weeks we have learned the power of words, haven’t we? We have learned the power of words spoken and even the power of words left unspoken. A word spoken at the wrong time can start a war, while a word spoken at the right time can bring peace. I think the same is also true for unspoken words; Words not spoken can bring upheaval or they can promote healing.

For this article, I think it is appropriate to keep my words limited. Perhaps the fewer the words the better.

However, I do leave you with this last thought –

“Use them wisely because words have more power than an atom bomb.”

Peace and Grace,


Categories: Pastors Message