Historian’s Page

March 2025

In July of 2024, Julie Daubert accepted her new role as HBC’s historian. Since then, Julie has been very busy learning anything and everything she can to bring fond, fun memories to the congregation at Hilton Baptist Church.

As with most new undertakings, Julie claims “It’s all new to me! I’m still learning what I’m supposed to be doing. Collecting anything that is given to me, keeping track of births and weddings and baptisms and dedications.”  That’s a high order take on.

For her first assignment, Julie decided to follow tradition of HBC’s most recent historian, Sharon Sheidler, and create a window display of the beloved HBC Sprite – a fictional character appearing in many of HBC’s Christmas Pageant’s past. Her second assignment was a Valentine’s display which can be seen now, showcasing chocolate auctions of the past – a Valentine’s Day theme with hearts. According to Historian Julie, this event was a lot of fun. Church members would make chocolate sweets and treats and donate them to the auction. One church person would be the auctioneer and another person would hand out goodies to the winners. As church lore has it, some of the desserts sold upwards of $40. For instance, it’s said that Spike Rathbun’s famous peanut brittle would bring $30 or more! That’s three cups of Starbucks coffee! Can you imagine!  As time went on, the event morphed even bigger and better and included savory Superbowl snacks too. Historian Julie says the event was known to always be a great time, and good fundraiser. I think everyone would agree, we need to bring back the Chocolate Auction in 2025!

Julie said she is already planning her third Historian’s window and this time the theme will be the HBC Softball Team. Julie said she’s been given photos and other softball memorabilia from church members and welcomes more photos into her display. You can send an email to Julie at (chaigirl13@gmail.com) or call 585-392-7990 with your contact information so Julie can reach out to you directly. Stay tuned for the HBC Softball Team’s display, coming to you this Spring 2025!

We have a lot to look forward to with Julie in her new role. And here’s why. Although she has never been a historian before, Julie comes by the position quite naturally. Julie’s grandmother was once Village of Hilton’s Historian Leith Wright, and her grandmother’s sister was Shirley Cox Husted, the longtime historian for the Town of Parma. Perhaps a coincidence but probably not, we’re very lucky to have her. And Julie is thrilled to be joining the ranks and has some big shoes to fill!  No pressure Julie! Your angels are beside you and guiding you all the way.

Thank you Historian Julie Daubert. We are excited for you and for us, and look forward to seeing and feeling the heartfelt memories and smiles you’re sure to bring to our congregation. You may only have just stepped up to the plate, but already, we see many home runs in your future.