Church Simplified
In addition to our traditional Sunday services, once a month we gather at 10:00 am on Sundays in the Lloyd Room and take part in what has been fondly named the “Bare Bones” worship service — a service designed to be more relaxed and informal than the others.
For some, “church” can sometimes feel stuffy, predictable and dry. The Bare Bones service is designed to provide a different feeling and experience. In this service we attempt to strip church down to the basics — the “bare bones.” We simply enjoy being together, being with God and sharing life through songs, prayers and a message from our Pastor, Dan Brown.
Unlike a service held in the sanctuary where songs are typically sung from hymnals or words on a big screen, the pastor plays guitar and sings different songs in an acoustic, sing-a-long style. Some songs are old and some are new, and participants are invited to sing along or simply enjoy the music.
As a special bonus, attendees are welcomed with breakfast food and confections, along with beverages of choice prior to service where we gather at tables and enjoy fellowship with others.
The Bare Bones service is for those who are content to encounter God in simple ways, who desire “church” to be simple and to be in a place where faith and fellowship feels comfortable. The dates for the monthly Bare Bones Service is included in our monthly calendar. Please click here for more info.
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