Pastor’s Summer Reading

Dear Friends and Family of Hilton Baptist Church,

For the last several years, at the start of summer, I have offered some suggestions of books you may find beneficial for your soul. Here are a few of the books that I’ve read and found meaningful in the past year. Perhaps you may enjoy one or two on a summer’s day as well.

Happy Reading! Dan

One Thousand Gifts ~ Ann Voskamp

This book is written by a woman who was challenged to recognize and be grateful for one thousand gifts in her life. This recounts her journey through that process and it caused me to be mindful of all the gifts I have. Her ability to express her thoughts felt like I was reading poetry. There were many occasions I paused and thought “Wow, that is rich and full.” This is a great book.

7 Men & 7 Women ~ Eric Metaxas

This book tells the stories of seven men and seven women from history whose faith left a positive mark on the world. I enjoy reading books like this for a few reasons: (1) They keep me humble when I complain how difficult and unfair my life can be. (2) They give me encouragement to know I’m not the only person of faith to face challenges and (3) they give me encouragement in learning how others have overcome challenges with their faith. I found this book to not only be intellectually stimulating, but also affirming and challenging to my soul as well.

Aloof ~ Tony Kriz

This was one of the best books I read this past year. The author shares his journey of attempting to find a God who can be “aloof”. I appreciated how he shared his raw vulnerability and authenticity with his own struggles along the journey. His reflections, questions and conclusions are some encouraging companions if you find yourself feeling that God is aloof.

Chasing Francis ~ Ian Morgan Cron

This was one of those books I couldn’t put down. This is a fictional story about a pastor who questions his faith in front of the entire congregation. The leaders of the church insist he takes some time away. What follows is his own pilgrimage back to finding faith. Perhaps this book resonated with me simply because I am a pastor, but I think there are invaluable lessons in it for everyone.

Divine Conspiracy ~ Dallas Willard

I am hesitant to recommend this book. If you have the patience and tenacity to walk slowly with this book, there is much to uncover. This is a book about discovering our life with God but I struggled with it for two reasons: (1) I thought the author could have simplified his thoughts and (2) there were occasions I had to re-read something several times before I understood his point. Nevertheless, it does have much value and those who are smarter and more patient than I may find this book enlightening and engaging.

Winning the War in Your Mind ~ Craig Groeschel

I am a person who struggles with negative thoughts. Sometimes I bring these thoughts upon myself while other times they seem to come out of nowhere like a stealth attack. It has always been a challenge to readjust my thoughts to a healthier and positive place. found this book to be very sympathetic to my struggle and offered practical tools to help me win the war in my mind.


Categories: Pastors Message