Being Grateful

Dear Friends and Family of HBC,

Recently Karen and I celebrated our twelfth wedding anniversary. Thank you to everyone who sent a card, email or text wishing us well. As the date grew closer, we decided it would be good to get away for a few days. Unfortunately we waited too long to find a nice place to stay. In our search to find a pleasant romantic getaway we quickly discovered everything everywhere was already booked.

We searched locally, expanded our search to the Finger Lakes and even as far north as the Adirondacks and beyond to Vermont. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. “Sorry, there is no room available”. So, what does a good pastor like myself do in a situation like this? I prayed of course! Surely God will help me out, right? After all, doesn’t the Good Book tell us “Do not worry about anything but instead pray about everything”? So that is what I did.

And then…. I found it. A romantic place nearby that offered a getaway package with chocolate covered strawberries, a gourmet breakfast and a voucher for dinner. The picture showed a nice room and a jacuzzi included. And the cost wasn’t bad either. Prayer answered! I booked it immediately.

Upon our arrival, we found ourselves questioning if this was a good choice. The hallway carpets were stained, the room was bleak, we had to ask for our chocolate strawberries and the “gourmet breakfast” consisted of cereal, bagels and squashed breakfast sandwiches wrapped in cellophane. No wonder it was available and cheap.

We cut our reservation short both because Karen felt a cold coming and we felt somewhat “icky” staying there. Our romantic anniversary consisted of sitting in our own house watching some cheap movies I bought at the Goodwill and ordering takeout food.

I am currently reading a book entitled “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp. The author shares her journey of noting one thousand gifts given to her by God. She argues feelings and thoughts of discontentment; unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and ingratitude are like nails in wood. These negative nails can only be driven out by other nails. She made the choice to drive out these negative nails with nails of gratitude.

As I reflect on our anniversary experience I realize I too had, and have, a choice. I can focus on my discontentment, unhappiness and dissatisfaction (or) focus on the things I can be grateful for. I can be grateful I have someone to spend an anniversary with because I know there are many people who don’t. I can be grateful I have the means to actually go somewhere and eat food, no matter what packaging it comes in. I can be grateful for memories because someday Karen and I will laugh and say “Remember that one anniversary we went to ….”

The calendar tells us we are entering a wonderful season. A season of gratitude and celebration. I know for many people this is not an easy time, and this year will be the first someone special is not sitting at the holiday table. With a gentle heart, might I encourage you to consider what you are grateful for? This may not remove the nail of unhappiness and discontentment you might be feeling, but perhaps the nail of gratitude will begin to replace it with peace, calm and hope

As we approach the holiday season, may we find ways to have a grateful heart even if it isn’t what we expected or hoped it would be.

Be Still,


Categories: Pastors Message