Planting a Seed

Dear Friends and Family of HBC,

Recently I received two emails that I never expected, yet brought me much joy. The first email simply read “Good day. Is this the email address for Dan Brown?”. The second email came from the same sender and it read “Hi, let me know if you recognize anything in this picture” and attached was a photo of a small boy holding a flashlight while he slept.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away I ministered to a young teenager facing some significant challenges in her life. On one occasion while talking with her I turned on a flashlight and then placed it face down. I told her, “This is your life right now, surrounded by darkness.” While lifting the flashlight I continued “But the higher you lift it, the more light will shine. It is your choice to determine how much light will shine. ” I then gave her the flashlight as a reminder and I was happy to later learn she had taken important steps in allowing more light and positivity into her life.

Our lives went on and with the passing time we lost track of each other years ago. Every now and then she would come to mind and I would wonder whatever happened to this young teenager. By now you have probably guessed the two emails I received were from her.

Through some mutual connections she tracked me down and gave me an update on her life. She is now happily married with two children and has a good job. The boy in the picture was her son and I was told he won’t go to sleep without the same flashlight I had given her so many years ago.

I do not think it is uncommon for most people to hope they have made a positive difference in the life of another person. Furthermore, I do not think it is uncommon for most people to ask themselves “Have I made a positive difference in anyone’s life?” I too often ask myself this very same question.

One difficult lesson I think I am slowly beginning to learn is that influencing another person is like planting a seed. You won’t see results right away; in fact, they may not be seen for a long time or may not be seen at all. Nevertheless, we plant the seed because one ever knows what will grow or how, when or where it will grow.

Sometimes though, we do have the reward of seeing something that we planted years ago has grown and blossomed. A random act of kindness, a word of encouragement, believing in someone who didn’t believe in themselves or simply giving someone a flashlight may seem small to you, but it may be just the seed that helps another person grow into the person God created them to be.

So, I challenge us all to consider this question – Where am I planting seeds today that someone else will reap the fruit tomorrow?

A fellow planter in Christ, Dan

Categories: Pastors Message