Run Church, Run!

Dear Friends and Family of Hilton Baptist Church,

Here is a little-known fact about me that you may not know. While in High School I was on the Track and Field Team. As I recall a friend and I decided to join the team was because we were bored. Perhaps the cute girls may have influenced our desire to be on the team as well, but I digress…

One of my events was the 4×1 relay race. There were four runners and each of us would sprint a portion of the race and then pass the baton onto the next runner.

One thing I learned during this experience was the importance of teamwork. Our coach knew each of our strengths and which leg of the race would be best for us. He taught us how to effectively pass the baton without losing precious seconds. Each of us had to use our own unique skills while also learning and appreciating the unique skills of our teammates. I was never jealous that Chris ran the first leg of the race because that was his strength, not mine.

We needed to learn how to work with each other and not against each other. We had to build on and use our own athletic strengths while also accepting our own athletic weaknesses. We had to learn how to pass the baton as well as learn how to receive the baton as effortlessly as possible. All of this took time and practice… and more practice… and more practice.

I thought about this recently as we opened our new sanctuary. Its success was dependent upon a team of people who worked together toward the same goal. Each person had to know when to “pass the baton” and also humbly accept their own strengths and weaknesses for the good of the team and the project.

Then I took this thought another step further. What if the new sanctuary is a symbolic “passing of the baton” to you? What if it is now your turn to run, using the gifts and skills you have to help all of us win the race?

We run this race together and each of us has been given gifts, skills and talents to help all of us. Your strengths may not be my strengths, and my strengths may not be your strengths and that is okay.

God is not asking (nor expecting) you to run my leg of the race, but He does expect you to run your leg with the gifts and the strengths you have. We each have a part to play, no matter how great or how small. Meanwhile each of us must humbly accept our own strengths and weaknesses for the good of the team and ministry of the church.

One of the most famous quotes from the movie “Forrest Gump” occurs when Jenny encourages Forrest with the words “Run Forrest, Run!” The book of Hebrews tells us to run the race of faith because we are surrounded by those who have run this race before us. Their leg of the race is over and have passed the baton onto us.

And so I say to each and every one of you, “Here is the baton. Run Church, Run!”

With you in the race, Dan

Categories: Pastors Message