Ten Little Christians

Dear friends of Hilton Baptist Church,

Okay, I admit that I am cheating, I am not writing anything new for this month’s Banner. I decided to recycle something I shared with you several years ago.

As our sanctuary renovation process is underway, many of us hope this will be a new start for our church. It is also the hope that this will become a place that new people call “home”, just as it is for so many of us.

Yet fresh paint and new pews will not bring people in, that is the responsibility of each of us. Our sanctuary, God’s House, will be warm and comfortable but we have to invite and welcome people to come through the door.

With that thought in mind I was reminded of this poem I shared before. I think it is still appropriate for us today. This poem does not give us a secret recipe for church growth, but it does give us a good place to start.


Ten Little Christians ~ Author Unknown

Ten Little Christians came to church all the time; One fell out with the preacher, then there were nine. Nine Little Christians stayed up late; One overslept on Sunday, then there were eight.

Eight Little Christians on their way to Heaven; One took the low road, then there were seven.

Seven Little Christians, chirping like chicks; One didn’t like the singing, then there were six.

Six Little Christians seemed very much alive; One took a vacation, then there were five.

Five Little Christians pulling for Heaven’s shore; One stopped to take a rest, then there were four. Four Little Christians each as busy as a bee; One had his feelings hurt, then there were three.

Three Little Christians couldn’t decide what to do; One couldn’t have his way, then there were two. Two Little Christians each won one more; Now don’t you see, two plus two equals four.

Four Little Christians worked early and late; Each brought one, now there were eight.

Eight Little Christians if they double as before; In just seven Sundays, we have one thousand twenty four.

In this jingle there is a lesson true; You belong either to the building, or to the wrecking crew.

With Grace and Peace,


Categories: Pastors Message