God Provides

Dear Friends and Family of HBC,

One of the best decisions I ever made was to attend Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. I consider those years to be among the best of my life. While at seminary I received a great education while my faith was deepened, stretched and strengthened. I made good friends and life-sharing, soul-searching conversations were not uncommon. My years at seminary helped prepare me to become a pastor, but also shaped me as a person.

It is not uncommon for people to assume that because I am a pastor and have a theological degree, I have a ‘direct line’ to God that others do not. At times I have playfully wondered if people believe I have a red phone on my desk that allows me to speak to God directly. Just in case you are wondering – No, I do not have such a phone. At times it might be nice to have one though.

Just like everyone else, I’ve got to do the work of prayer too. I’ve got to be still, listen, talk, reflect, and then listen some more just like you.

I share this with you because I want you to know as we work through the Spiritual Practices of Silencio, I am right beside you. Yes, I am teaching but I am very much still a student learning alongside you. We all stand as disciples before Jesus.

That being said, I’d like to share some of the “homework” I’ve been doing. For the last few days I’ve started my morning sitting at the kitchen table watching the birds at the feeder. I also use this time to read my Bible and a devotional book, I write in my journal and pray.

Yesterday as I was watching the birds feeling sorry for them in the cold and snow, the thought came to mind “God provides”. I let the thought pass and began reading. The Bible passage for that day, and the devotional reading that followed talked about… you guessed it “God provides”. Okay Lord, Okay. I heard you.

As I have taught you, when these “nudges” come we should simply be still, hold them and listen. Taking my own advice that is exactly what I did. I simply sat with Jesus and reflected on “God provides”.

I began thinking and being thankful for all the ways God provided for me, for my family and for our church in the last year. Personally, God provided me with health, patience and perseverance. For my family, God provided – our bills got paid, we still have our jobs and Karen and I did not go crazy being around each other all the time! For our church, God provided – our doors are still open, we have been able to gather and even in the midst of a crazy uncertain -shutdown year the $95,000 needed to renovate our sanctuary came through. If that alone doesn’t make you say “Wow!” I don’t know what will.

You may question how God provides for those who are hurting or suffered significant losses this past year. My purpose here is not to defend, argue or debate those legitimate and hard questions. My purpose is (1) to simply share with you what God impressed upon my own heart and (2) to encourage you to keep working on the Spiritual Practices of Silencio. You may just discover in your own way, as I have, God provides.

Be Still,


Categories: Pastors Message