Make Time to Play

Dear Friends and Family of HBC,

I am slowly working my way through a book which focuses on reflective and spiritual practices to nurture and encourage one’s soul. Each chapter addresses a different topic and/or activity that one can practice to open themselves to God’s presence and His shaping in one’s life. Some suggestions (or practices) are more obvious such as prayer, being generous, worship and the reading of Scripture.

Other suggestions are those I had never really considered to be very “spiritual”. Things such as healthy eating, being creative and addressing conflict. One of the most recent chapters suggested the reader engage in some type of playful behavior. The author asks the question, “When was the last time you lost track of time doing something that captured you with delight?”

The author argues play releases us from the need to accomplish something and to simply find pleasure in the present moment. He further adds “ helps us untangle some internal knots and makes us more receptive to God’s shaping work..” I have to admit that the “adult” in me thought that playing was a way to draw closer to the Lord sounded a bit childish and silly.

Recently, on a beautiful afternoon, Karen suggested we take some time for ourselves and spend a few hours at the lake. We sat talking, reading and pointing out various seagulls. Karen eventually took a little walk by herself along the shore while I watched the waves come and go.

As I sat in my chair, I noticed the perfect rock for skipping across the water lying in the sand next to me. I picked it up and whizzed it across the water. Then I found another and another and another. It was a simple pleasure and it brought me simple joy. Suddenly I realized, I was playing!

There was nothing very “spiritual” about it, but I felt at peace simply being present in the present. Upon reflection I wonder if my pleasure brought God pleasure. After all, don’t parents find joy in watching their children play in the back yard?

Here is my suggestion, sometime soon make time to play. Do something that “captures you with delight” and allows you to untangle some of those knots.

You will smile and I suspect so too will God.

Be Still,


Categories: Pastors Message