Pastor’s August Message

Dear Friends and Family of Hilton Baptist Church,

In my church office I have a book I’ve been using to begin my work day. It is a collection of leadership prayers and these prayers help me start the day centered and in the right frame of mind.

I enjoy reading, and praying, pre-written prayers because I have found that they often express the words, thoughts and feelings I find difficult to articulate on my own. This book has offered me such prayers. I have found that many of the prayers in this book are applicable in a variety of situations and can be used by anyone, not just those who are in a leadership role.

Like many of you these last few months have been a time of listening for God’s Spirit, while also a bit uncertain as to what should be done next. I was especially mindful of this tension as we inched closer toward the re-opening of our church. I tried to listen and ask God “Okay Lord, now what?” This morning I read a prayer from my little book and it expressed almost exactly what I have been feeling. I have been considering making a copy and carrying it in my pocket because, as I mentioned, these prayers can be used in a variety of situations. I share a it with you now and perhaps you will find meaning in it as well.

Peace and Grace, Dan

When I am following you, God, I feel a bit lost most of the time.

But that makes sense. I am not leading you. You are leading me.

If I want complete certainty, I cannot expect to be led by your Spirit.

I cannot know what will happen next, nor demand control.

And I know that following you is the only way

I can make a great and beautiful difference in the world.

I cannot control what happens outside, but by your grace I can increasingly know myself.

Help me to master who I am and how I give meaning to actions and events around me.

May my wealth, power, and wisdom enable others to achieve extraordinary success.

I know when I am listening to you because your Spirit encourages me, points me to the truth,

lets me decide and holds me accountable.

And somehow you always make it work out.

You provide the necessary resources: wisdom, strength, time, helpers, money, skills,

and all the unanticipated things that I never could have planned for anyway.

More wonderfully, you redeem my mistakes.

You weave beauty out of my broken, mixed-up threads,

not for my reputation or ego, but for the common good.

Help me God. I am not sure what to do, God, but here I go. 1

1 (adapted from) Kreigbaum, Richard. Leadership Prayers. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carol Stream, Il. 1998. Pgs. 26-27

Categories: Pastors Message