Pastor’s Book Suggestions

Dear Friends and Family of Hilton Baptist Church,

It has been a long time coming, but I believe warmer and brighter days are finally here. For the last several years, at the start of summer, I have offered some suggestions of books you may find beneficial. Here are a few books that I have read in the past year, and I think you may enjoy them on a summer’s day as well.

The Voice of Jesus – Gordon T. Smith

This book is a slow read, and must be done with intentionality, but it is worth the time. Smith assists us in discerning how the Holy Spirit helps us to hear the voice of Jesus in our lives.

Contemplative Vision – Juliet Benner

This book contains paintings from familiar Bible stories. We are then taught to see the deeper meaning and symbolism in the painting. This book helped me to see and enjoy familiar stories in a completely different and refreshing way.

God as Stranger – Krish Kandiah

It was a description on the back of this book that caught my attention, and I’m glad it did. “Kandiah offers us a fresh look at some of the difficult, awkward, and even troubling Bible passages, helping us discover that when God shows up unannounced and unrecognized, that’s precisely when big things happen. God as Stranger challenges us to replace our sanitized concept of God with a more awe-inspiring, magnificent and majestic, true-to-the-Bible God”

Abba’s Child – Brennan Manning

Of all the books I am recommending this one was the most meaningful for me personally. I like Manning’s books because he is authentic and transparent about his own life and he has a way of making faith uncomplicated. This is a great book on allowing yourself to be loved by God just as you are and not as you should be.

The Listening Life – Adam McHugh

I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed this book and the way it resonated in my own soul. The basic premise is learning how to be attentive to God, others, yourself and the natural world around you when it is easy to be distracted by so many other things. If you are looking for ways to be more “present”, I whole heartedly recommend reading this book. My own copy has several notes and underlined sentences.

Happy Reading!


Categories: Pastors Message