I See You

Dear Friends and Family of Hilton Baptist Church,

Those of you who are musically gifted know the concept of an “unresolved chord” and can probably explain it better than I can. The basic idea behind an unresolved chord is that it leaves the listener “hanging” or in tension waiting for the chord to end.

In my mind it is similar to someone saying “I must tell you something important! You are …….” and then they say nothing. All the while you, the listener, are asking “What?! What?! What were you going to say?!”

An unresolved chord, leaves the listener waiting for the music to resolve or come to a conclusion.

As some of you know, I like to dabble with poetry. I wrote a poem several months ago that feels a bit like an unresolved chord. I never completed it because I believed there was more that could be said.

I wrote this while walking outside, attempting to be more intentionally aware of my surroundings. I suppose I was practicing the concept of “Be still and Be present”. I never gave this poem a title but if I had to, I suppose I’d call it “I see you”.

Chickadee I see you

there in the tree.

You remind me of Spring,

with your chick-a-melody.

Water bug I see you

struggling up stream.

You remind me of someone…

Yes, you remind me of me.

Logs I see you

gathered in a pile.

Mind if I join you

and sit here awhile?

Wind, don’t try to hide

I see you too.

The swaying tree tops

tattle on you

I see you too

little stream trickling.

I love to listen

to the sound of your singing.

And that’s where I stopped and the poem feels unresolved doesn’t it? I now wonder if it is meant to be unresolved. There is always more for us to notice, always more for us to see if we will simply be still and be present.

As the weather warms up, I invite you to do just that -Be Still and Be Present. And who knows, maybe we can all keep working on this poem together.

Grace and Peace,


Categories: Pastors Message