God Is Our Steady Rock

Dear Friends and Family of Hilton Baptist Church,

For years my grandmother wanted a cottage on a lake. She loved to be near the water and it was a lifetime dream to have her own cottage where she could catch a sunrise, watch the waves and savor the sunsets. This dream was put on hold year after year as family responsibilities and daily expenses prohibited her from realizing her wish.

Several years into their retirement, and having made some wise investments, my grandparents began looking for the cottage my grandmother had always dreamed of. Some friends from church, who owned a cottage on Lake Ontario, told my grandparents a neighbor was selling her cottage. Might they be interested?

To make a long story short, my grandparents purchased that cottage and my grandfather affectionally called it “Dun Lookin’ Cottage”. They owned it for several years until my grandfather passed and Gram could no longer care for it on her own. I have many fond memories of family gatherings at the Dun Lookin’ Cottage.

Once I was sitting at the cottage with my grandmother and I asked, “Gram, why do you like being near the water so much?” She replied, “Because no matter what is happening in the world the lake is always there. The waves come and go and they are not impacted by the world at all.” After that conversation I saw the lake with a completely new set of eyes.

In these unsettling times I am reminded of my grandmother’s comment. My faith tells me that God is always the constant in a world that is changing. Regardless if what is happening around me or within me, I can always trust that God will be there. God is the persistent presence when the present is unpredictable.

May you continue to be still, knowing that our God is a steady rock. Because no matter what is happening in the world, like the lake, He is always there.

Much peace and grace,


Categories: Pastors Message