Did You Know?

Dear Friends and Family of HBC,

If you read your Hilton Baptist Church Banner every month, you are aware there is sometimes a page entitled “Did you know?” This page shares the special events that have happened or are happening in our church.

Below you will find my own list of “Did you know?” Being in my position allows me to be aware of some things that many of you don’t see. These are not in order of importance as all are equally significant.

Did you know…. that two of our young adults helped one of our “technologically challenged” young-at-heart to purchase and program a new cell phone?

Did you know… that Diane Church leads the CE Team, creates bulletin boards, directs church meal planning, has cleaned around the church and does many other things that no one sees?

Did you know… Dan Lloyd often spends a few hours at the church on a Sunday afternoon making sure that those who missed the service are sent a recording?

Did you know… someone approached me and said “I believe the church is doing good things. Here is a check toward the Renovation Project”?

Did you know… the painting you will see during Lent was painted by one of our youth, Amanda Daubert?

Did you know… Dale Provost often stops by the church during the week just to be sure everything is working okay and to complete some small projects?

Did you know… Betty Benoit takes the sermon slides and videos I send her and pieces them together? Did you also know Betty is the person who changes the slides during the service?

Did you know… Dave Lloyd comes to the church every Saturday to be certain the sanctuary is ready for you on Sunday?

Did you know… for several weeks someone secretly put Dove Chocolate Peanut Butter pieces in my office with a note that read “Pastor’s Prescription”?

Did you know… Dawn Allen works tirelessly in the office and never complains?

Did you know… after arriving home on the day of the Renovation vote, some friends from Pennsylvania contacted me unexpectedly and coincidentally? They said “When we visited your church recently, we liked what was happening. We believe God wants us to give half our tithe to your church”

Did you know… if Greg Waller approaches you and says ‘Did you hear about the ….?” You should be prepared to laugh?

Did you know… every Tuesday there are committed volunteers who work in the basement of the church to serve the community through our clothing closet?

Did you know… someone covered the entire cost of the down payment for the new pews? Also, did you know I was only given permission to share that information if I additionally mentioned the Renovation Silent Auction & Spaghetti Dinner on May 1st?

Did you know… there are many other people doing great things for our church that I didn’t even mention?

Did you know… God is on the move in our church?

Did you know… I prayed for you today?

With Peace and Grace,


Categories: Pastors Message