Don’t Miss Christmas!

Dear Friends and Family of Hilton Baptist Church,

In his book The Christ of Christmas James Montgomery Boice writes, “One tragedy of the first Christmas is that so many came close to Christmas yet missed it all”. He then proceeds to discuss people such as Caesar Augustus, The Inn Keeper and King Herod who missed the miracle of the first Christmas even though it was happening in their own neighborhood!

In fairness to these, and the many others who missed the first Christmas, we really should not be too hard on them. After all, Joseph and Mary looked just like everyone else and babies are born every day. How would anyone know that this couple and this baby were any different from all the rest?

Perhaps the greater tragedy is that so many of us miss Christmas today. Even though we start to get reminders as early as September and we are surrounded by Christmas trees, lights and music we can still miss Christmas.

Those alive during the first Christmas missed it because they could not see the wonder in the ordinary. Meanwhile we miss Christmas because we’ve seen the wonder so many times it has become ordinary.

I’ve heard it said that hindsight is 20/20. We have an advantage over Caesar Augustus, The Inn Keeper and King Herod and the others who missed it. We know what happened and why it was important. We know how this one life would change everything.

In the past, December has become so busy and hectic for me personally that I’m afraid I have missed Christmas too. Therefore, Karen and I have deliberately put some dates on our calendar when we can intentionally enjoy the season and meaning of Christmas.

So, I have an “assignment” for you. Make some time to intentionally remember and see the amazement of Christmas. Don’t become so busy and burdened that you are unable to see the wonder that is happening right in front of you. Take the time, enjoy the moment, gaze in wonder. For unto us a child is given, unto us a child is born.

Karen and I wish you all a peaceful and wonder-filled Christmas.


Categories: Pastors Message