The Joy Is In The Walk

Dear Friends and Family of HBC,

In recent months I have tried to make a habit of walking my dogs, Tozer and Lincoln, every evening. The exercise is good for all of us and I think the dogs enjoy being outside as much as I do. We usually have our walks in the same location, so the dogs know the path. Tozer is nine years old and most of the time I let him roam without a leash. I keep a watchful eye on him and He does not wander very far.

Lincoln, however, is fourteen months old. Whenever I walk him, he stays on a leash. Slowly I have been allowing him to be “leash-less” in safe plac- es but for not very long or very far. His nose can cause him to wander a little further than necessary and I have to call him back to my side.

The lessons of God are all around us and my walking the dogs is no exception. Here are the spiritual lessons I see from walking my dogs:

  • Some of us are given a little more freedom because God knows we won’t wander very far.
  • When God walks with us, He always keeps a watchful eye on us.
  • A leash is meant to restrain you for your own benefit. A dog that doesn’t learn to stay close to the Master can get lost or worse. A leashshows love.
  • A curious nose can lead to new discoveries but it can also lead you astray.
  • When the Master calls your name, it is because you’ve gone too far or He sees something dangerous that you don’t.
  • The younger dog looks to the older dog to stay on the right path.
  • Sometimes messes happen, but the Master can clean it up.
  • And finally, the joy is not in finishing the walk. The joy is in the walk. 

    Even if you don’t own a dog, I hope you are finding time to walk with the Master.

    Peace and Grace,


Categories: Pastors Message