God Never Forgets

Dear friends and family of Hilton Baptist Church,

As most of you know my grandmother suffered a stroke over a year ago. Since then she is unable to live alone and her memory is significantly impaired. She frequently asks the same question in a matter of minutes and does not remember what she ate at her last meal. Fortunately, she remembers the family but there are moments it takes a little longer to call us by name.

I cannot imagine how frustrated she must be or what she is thinking and feeling. I myself become aggravated when I cannot remember where I parked my truck or where I put my phone. How discouraging it must be for her when we say “Gram, don’t you remember you just asked me that question three minutes ago?”

While I was thinking about my grandmother, another story came to mind. Two elderly men were longtime friends. One day they were having lunch and in the course of the conversation the first man told his friend he was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. His friend expressed sympathy and sorrow.

The first man said to his friend, “Do you know what worries me most? It’s not my family. I know they will be okay even though it will be hard. It’s not passing on. I have lived a good life with few regrets. What worries me most is that I will forget the God who loves me and has been so good to me.”

His friend listened with a sympathetic ear and waited until the first man finished speaking. Then with great compassion he replied “Friend, do not fear. You may forget God, but God will not forget you.”

What a comforting thought. Regardless of age or condition, there are moments (perhaps even days or longer) when we do not remember the God who loves us and has been so good to us. In those moments, God is not off pouting somewhere because He is not getting any attention.

Instead, He knows us through and through and the reasons why we may have forgotten Him. Perhaps our forgetfulness is a result of a physical condition or life has simply become busy. Either way, the words of the man’s friend should be of comfort to us “Do not fear. You may forget God, but God will not forget you.”

May the God, who never forgets, bring you peace, hope and joy.


Categories: Pastors Message