God is on the Move

Dear friends and family of HBC,

Our faith is not a “sit still” faith. This is because we believe in a God who is always on the move. Even when God seems distant or quiet, He is active in ways that we cannot see. How often has God seemed absent during a difficult period of your life but as time passes you look back and can see that God was actually doing some- thing you were not aware of?

Even when God tells us to “be still”, He is still at work in ways that we cannot see. During moments of rest and reflection God is renewing and restoring our tired body, mind and soul. From the very beginning the ancestors of our faith such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus, were people on the move because God was on the move. God led and they followed. We are still people on the move whether that is some- one making an individual decision to follow Christ or a church takes the next steps moving forward in faith.

The season of Lent will soon be upon us. During this season we will be considering the ways God is on the move. By considering various events in the life of Jesus we will see how God moved in His life and how God may want to move in our lives as well.

Part of the adventure of following God is that one never knows where He may lead. I pray that this season of Lent will be one that takes us to a place of deeper trust and stronger faith in the God who is on the move.

Peace and Grace to you, Dan

Categories: Pastors Message